
bitmagnet exposes quite a few configuration options. You shouldn’t have to worry about most of them, but they are available for tinkering. If you’re using the example docker-compose file then things should “just work”. I’ll only cover only some of the more important options here:

  •, postgres.user postgres.password (default: localhost, bitmagnet, postgres, empty): Set these values to configure connection to your Postgres database.
  • postgres.dsn: Alternatively a Postgres Data Source Name (DSN) can be specified. If specified, all other postgres.* options are ignored.
  • tmdb.api_key: This is quite an important one, please see below for more details.
  • tmdb.enabled (default: true): Specify false to disable the TMDB API integration.
  • dht_crawler.save_files_threshold (default: 100): Some torrents contain many thousands of files, which impacts performance and uses a lot of database disk space. This parameter sets a maximum limit for the number of files saved by the crawler with each torrent.
  • dht_crawler.save_pieces (default: false): If true, the DHT crawler will save the pieces bytes from the torrent metadata. The pieces take up quite a lot of space, and aren’t currently very useful, but they may be used by future features.
  • log.level (default: info): If you’re developing or just curious then you may want to set this to debug; note that debug output will be very verbose.
  • log.development (default: false): If you’re developing you may want to enable this flag to enable more verbose output such as stack traces.
  • log.json (default: false): By default logs are output in a pretty format with colors; enable this flag if you’d prefer plain JSON.
  • log.file_rotator.enabled (default: false): If true, logs will be output to rotating log files at level log.file_rotator.level in the log.file_rotator.path directory, allowing forwarding to a logs aggregator (see the observability guide).
  • http_server.options (default ["*"]): A list of enabled HTTP server components. By default all are enabled. Components include: cors, pprof, graphql, import, prometheus, torznab, status, webui.
  • dht_crawler.scaling_factor (default: 10): There are various rate and concurrency limits associated with the DHT crawler. This parameter is a rough proxy for resource usage of the crawler; concurrency and buffer size of the various pipeline channels are multiplied by this value. Diminishing returns may result from exceeding the default value of 10. Since the software has not been tested on a wide variety of hardware and network conditions your mileage may vary here…
  • processor.concurrency (default: 1): Defines the maximum number of torrents to be processed/classified simultaneously. The default setting of 1 aims to support the widest range of systems. Increasing the setting (for example to 3) may improve throughput of the processor queue but is known to cause slowdowns on less powerful systems.

To see a full list of available configuration options using the CLI, run:

bitmagnet config show

See Running the CLI

For each configuration parameter available, this command will show:

  • The path of the config key
  • The Go type of the config key
  • The currently configured value
  • The default value
  • Where the currently configured value has been sourced from (e.g. default, ./config.yml, env)

Specifying configuration values

Configuration paths are delimited by dots. If you’re specifying configuration in a YAML file then each dot represents a nesting level, for example to configure log.json, tmdb.api_key and http_server.cors.allowed_origins:

  json: true
  api_key: my-api-key

This is not a suggested configuration file, it’s just an example of how to specify configuration values.

To configure these same values with environment variables, upper-case the path and replace all dots with underscores, for example:

LOG_JSON=true \
TMDB_API_KEY=my-api-key \
  bitmagnet config show

Configuration precedence

In order of precedence, configuration values will be read from:

  • Environment variables
  • The comma-separated list of config file paths specified in the EXTRA_CONFIG_FILES environment variable
  • config.yml in the current working directory
  • config.yml in the XDG-compliant config location for the current user (for example on MacOS this is ~/Library/Application Support/bitmagnet/config.yml)
  • Default values

Environment variables can be used to configure simple scalar types (strings, numbers, booleans) and slice types (arrays). For more complex configuration types such as maps you’ll have to use YAML configuration. bitmagnet will exit with an error if it’s unable to parse a provided configuration value.

VPN configuration

It’s recommended that you run bitmagnet behind a VPN. If you’re using Docker then gluetun is a good solution for this, although the networking settings can be tricky. The example docker-compose file demonstrates this.

Obtaining a TMDB API Key

bitmagnet uses the TMDB API to fetch metadata for movies and TV shows. By default you’ll be sharing an API key with other users. If you’re using this app and its content classifier heavily then you’ll need to get a personal TMDB API key. Until you do this you’ll see a warning message in the logs on startup, and you’ll be limited to 1 TMDB API request per second. This is just about enough for running the DHT crawler, but if you’re importing and classifying a lot of content this will be a major bottleneck. If many people are using this app with the default API key then that could add up to many requests per second, so please get your own API key if you are using this app more than casually!

Obtaining an API key is free and relatively easy, but you’ll have to register for a TMDB account, provide them with some personal information such as contact details, a website URL (such as your GitHub account or social media profile) and a short description of your use case (tip: this app provides “A content classifier that identifies movies and TV shows based on filenames”). Once you’ve filled in the request form, approval should be instant.

Synology have provided a full tutorial on obtaining a TMDB API key.

Once you’ve obtained your API key you’ll need to configure the tmdb.api_key value. Your rate limit will then default to 20 requests per second, which is well within TMDB’s stated fair usage limit.

The TMDB API integration can be disabled altogether by setting tmdb.enabled to false.