

Before continuing with this tutorial, please obtain and configure a personal TMDB API key, or disable the TMDB API integration.

bitmagnet includes an import endpoint at /import; this can be used for importing Torrent files from any source.

A proper schema is needed for this endpoint, along with improved input validation. There isn’t currently a way to import a torrent along with information about the files it contains (which is optional in bitmagnet). If an imported torrent is later discovered by the DHT crawler then its associated file info would be saved at that point.

Example: The RARBG backup

For the purposes of this tutorial we’ll use the RARBG SQLite backup, but you can adapt this example to any suitable data source.


Let’s start by write a SQLite query in a file named rarbg-import.sql. This will extract the data we need and get it looking a bit more like the format that bitmagnet expects. The following is a starting point, please adapt it to your requirements:

  hash as infoHash,
  title as name,
-- map the RARBG category to a valid bitmagnet content type:
    when cat like 'ebooks%' then 'ebook'
    when cat like 'games%' then 'software'
    when cat like 'movies%' then 'movie'
    when cat like 'tv%' then 'tv_show'
    when cat like 'music%' then 'music'
    when cat like 'software%' then 'software'
    when cat = 'xxx' then 'xxx'
  end as contentType,
-- we can give the classifier an easier job if we already know some characteristics of the content:
    when cat like '%_4k' then 'V2160p'
    when cat like '%_720' then 'V720p'
    when cat like '%_SD' then 'V480p'
  end as videoResolution,
    when cat like '%_bd_%' then 'BluRay'
  end as videoSource,
    when cat like '%_bd_full' then 'BRDISK'
    when cat like '%_bd_remux' then 'REMUX'
  end as videoModifier,
    when cat like '%_x264%' then 'x264'
    when cat like '%_x265%' then 'x265'
    when cat like '%_xvid%' then 'XviD'
  end as videoCodec,
    when cat like '%_3D' then 'V3D'
  end as video3D,
-- convert the dt field to a valid ISO date string:
  (substr(dt, 0, 11) || 'T' || substr(dt, 12) || '.000Z') as publishedAt
  from items

-- the following lines are optional;
-- it's recommended to review which categories are of interest,
-- as filtering unwanted and low quality content at the import stage will improve the app experience
    cat not like '%_720' and
    cat not like '%_SD' and
    cat not like 'software%' and
    cat not like 'games%' and
-- I won't judge you if you disable the following line;
-- bear in mind there is a *lot* of this in the RARBG backup
    cat != 'xxx' and

-- a random-ish but deterministic order reduces the chances of the resolver duplicating its work:
  order by infoHash

-- you may want to enable the following line while testing your query
-- limit 100

You can try running this query in your favourite database explorer, or using the SQLite3 CLI.

So far we’ve got the data looking almost like we need it. We now need to make a few final tweaks before piping it into bitmagnet’s /import endpoint. You’ll need to adapt the following command, before either pasting it into your terminal or running it as a bash script:

sqlite3 -json -batch /path/to/your/rarbg_db.sqlite "$(cat rarbg-import.sql)" \
  | jq -r --indent 0 '.[] | . * { source: "rarbg" } | . + if .imdb != null then { contentSource: "imdb", contentId: .imdb } else {} end | del(.imdb) | del(..|nulls)' \
  | curl --verbose -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Connection: close" --data-binary @- http://localhost:3333/import

So what’s happening here?

  • First we are executing the SQL query we made above against the backup database; we tell SQLite to output the result as JSON. To test this bit in isolation you might try running just sqlite3 -json -batch /path/to/your/rarbg_db.sqlite "$(cat rarbg-import.sql)" (while testing you’ll probably want to limit your results to say 10 or 100)
  • Next we need to make some tweaks to the JSON structure, so we’ll pipe the result into jq. You can add the line beginning | jq to the previous part to test what we have so far. Here we will:
    • Add a source field with value rarbg: each torrent stored in bitmagnet is associated with one or more sources, this association allows filtering by source within the search facility, and can carry some source-specific information such as an import ID, and numbers of seeders and leechers (more docs needed here!)
    • Add the contentSource and contentId fields which bitmagnet expects, containing the IMDB ID, if it exists; these are not a required field, but if you know the external IMDB or TMDB ID of your content then it will give the classifier an easier job
    • Delete the imdb field which won’t be recognised by bitmagnet
    • Delete any null values to reduce the payload size
  • Next we’ll pipe the final result to bitmagnet’s /import endpoint; you’ll see feedback as the import progresses; watch out for any errors in the logs!

Total time for the import will depend on the number of imported records and on your hardware. For me it took about 10 minutes to import 1.5 million records on M2 MacBook Air.

Once the import starts you should immediately start seeing the items appear in the web UI. This isn’t the end of the story though; each imported item will also be sent to the classification queue to further enrich its metadata. As the queue progresses you’ll start seeing more details appear in the web UI. If you’re importing a large number of items, the queue can take hours to work down. Once the metadata for any given movie or TV show has been saved, we shouldn’t need to query TMDB again for it, therefore the queue should accelerate as you accumulate local metadata for all the most popular content.